Our projects

Наші проєкти

Cambridge4Ukraine carries out many projects to support Ukraine and Ukrainian community in Cambridgeshire, below you can find the links to the main ones:

Cambridge4Ukraine проводить багато проєктів на підтримку України та української спільноти в Кембриджширі, нижче ви можете знайти посилання на головні проєкти:

Our achievements (2022-2023):

Some of our collaborations:


Cambridge4Ukraine cooperated with the RESET organization - the official provider of the Homes For Ukraine scheme ran by the British government. We we believe that thanks to the active activities of the Cambridge4Ukraine "visa team" support Cambridgeshire became the region with the highest number of guests from Ukraine in the east of England. 

Cambridge University

Cambridge4Ukraine became official partner of the Cambridge University within the framework of the Ukrianian Academics Support Scheme. We helped connect academics from Ukraine with hosts, and supported them after arrival. We also we helped a group of 22 medical students from Kharkiv Medical University of the university, who undewent their clinical practice in Cambridge in July 2022.

Ukrainian Institute London

Cambridge4Ukraine was an information partner of Ukrainian Institute London and Live Canon for its  production of 'Kassandra' play in Cambridge.

Downing Place United Reformed Church

Cambridge4Ukraine is grateful to the Downing Place URC for providing space for weekly Ukrainian meetups, and other activities organised by Cambridge4Ukraine.

Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign (CRRC)

Cambridge4Ukraine collaborates with CRRC on different aspects of refugee support, including the activities of 'Mriya' educational project for children.

Cambridge & Newmarket Polo Club

One of the iconic charity events of Cambridge4Ukraine in the summer of 2022 and 2023 was a charity polo tournament hosted by Cambridge and Newmarket Polo Club. The tournament not only helped us collect funds for a series of "welcome packs" for refugees - we also managed to bring dozens people from the refugee community to watch the tournament, and it became a warm and bright event for many during these dark times.  

Beth Shalom Reform Synagogue

In October-November 2022 Cambridge4Ukraine collaborated with Beth Shalom Reform Synagogue that kindly provided grants for furniture and appliances to refugees who were moving from hosts into new accommodation.

Grants and funding

Cambridge City Council grant (2023) to cover the cost of the 'welcome packs' for refugees.

Refugee Council grant (2023) in support of the activities of the 'Mriya' educational project for Ukrainian children in Cambridgeshire.