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Donating to Cambridge4Ukraine / Пожертви до Cambridge4Ukraine

You can use a direct link to make a donation

Bank transfers:


Sort Code: 30-96-26

Account No: 79244368

Donating directly to Ukraine / Пожертви в Україну напряму:

You can help Ukrainian people in several ways, please check latest list on this consolidated website:

Organizations and charities you can donate to:

National Bank's account for Humanitarian help (Аккаунт Національного банку України для гуманітарної допомоги):

Ukrainian Embassy in UK Support Fund (Фонд Українського посольства в Великобританії):

Ukrainian education platform for humanitarian help (Українська освітня платформа для гуманітарної допомоги):

Donate aid / Гуманітарна допомога

There are several collection points in Cambridgeshire, you can find their location, opening hours and items needed on Mums4Ukraine organisation website.

Cambridge4Ukraine manages 1 collection point in Cambridge, in the Amphora wine shop. Please donate only the following items to the Amphora shop collection point (no other items will be accepted!):

For any other goods, please see the link to the other collection points mentioned above.