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Підтримай нас!
Donate money / Фінансова підтримка
Donating to Cambridge4Ukraine / Пожертви до Cambridge4Ukraine
You can use a direct link to make a donation.
Bank transfers:
Sort Code: 30-96-26
Account No: 79244368
Donating directly to Ukraine / Пожертви в Україну напряму:
You can help Ukrainian people in several ways, please check latest list on this consolidated website:
Organizations and charities you can donate to:
National Bank's account for Humanitarian help (Аккаунт Національного банку України для гуманітарної допомоги):
Ukrainian Embassy in UK Support Fund (Фонд Українського посольства в Великобританії):
Ukrainian education platform for humanitarian help (Українська освітня платформа для гуманітарної допомоги):
Donate aid / Гуманітарна допомога
There are several collection points in Cambridgeshire, you can find their location, opening hours and items needed on Mums4Ukraine organisation website.
Cambridge4Ukraine manages 1 collection point in Cambridge, in the Amphora wine shop. Please donate only the following items to the Amphora shop collection point (no other items will be accepted!):
power banks (for charging phones)
large and medium-sized backpacks
camping mats
sleeping bags
sleeping pads
first aid kit
wound dressing materials (large, chest)
hemostatic bandages
warm blankets
hot water bottles
insulated flasks
night vision equipment
For any other goods, please see the link to the other collection points mentioned above.